Sunday, April 24, 2011

Faces, Exhibit N: Phonograph 1

We took Easter off (hey, it's not every day that giant bunnies hand-deliver chocolate and jelly beans), so we're gonna make it up to you with an extra special two-fer of Retro Monday! First, you may remember Austin D. Oie as Tim in Part One: subUrbia. He was drunk, angry, and a bigot there. Here, he's a phonograph. Normally, you'd think playing an inanimate object is a pretty major step backward, but it worked for the dinosaurs on The Flintstones! No really, though -- the Phonographs (there's another who you'll meet her soon enough!) are the hub of The Eiffel Tower Wedding Party. Everything, and I mean literally everything, happens because of them.

That's right; we've put the machines in charge. Are we fools? Have we not seen Terminator? Are we spelling our own doom? Probably not. BUT WHO KNOWS?!?

"Hi friends!

Part Two of the Nine. Last time it was SubUrbia. I was angrytown. Now its Eiffel Tower Wedding Party. This time, I am crazytown. I'm an actor. Church/Pullman, WA (Red Tape Theatre), The Last Night of Ballyhoo (Project 891), The Man Who Was Thursday (New Leaf Theatre), Some Show I Haven't Yet Been Cast In (Steppenwolf Theatre Co). I take photos too. They're everywhere. I generally don't have people take their clothes off though. I dunno... I mean, don't get me wrong... that's pretty cool. I have some friends that like to do that. But I like taking photos of other things. Like people with clothes ON. Usually acting. Or headshots. I do those too. You wanna see? Fair warning though, there isn't any nudity. So you'll have to seek that elsewhere. Let's see... what else... shout out to Meghan Reardon. This is show #5 for us. I think thats what? The cardboard anniversary? We're registered at 7-11. So, ya know... pony up. And don't be stingy with the fake cheese on that fake hot dog.

Phonograph 1"

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