Friday, September 28, 2012

Part Three: Return of the Faces!

Earlier this week I learned that the Walter Cronkite-starring 1993 animated film We're Back! A Dinosaur's Story was written by renowned playwright John Patrick Shanley. Hunh.

I mention this odd bit of trivium for no damn reason at all except for a chance to very loosely tie some 90's nostalgia into my official "we're (like the dinosaurs in that Shanley film) back" blog post. That's right -- The Nine, Part Three: Arthur Adamov's Ping-Pong is exactly two weeks from opening night and, if you recall from Part Two, that means there's faces to be introduced!

So here's the scoop: I have ten people to introduce you to this go around (down a bit from Part Two's OMG-inducing 24). Six of those ten you've met before in Nines past. Four are brand new to our little shindig. Which do you want to meet first? *short Jeopardy music interlude* What's that? Did you say "familiar faces"? Okay! And if you didn't, tough crap, who do you think is running this show anyways?

So, lads, ladies, and the rest of you, welcome to returning face the first: Chris Perez! You might remember Chris as The Groom from Radio Silence. This go around, he's back as The Old Man in Ping-Pong. Oh, but Chris doesn't *look* like an Old Man, you say? You obviously haven't met The Nine. Things are about to get all age-y up in here -- young men playing old men! young women playing old women! even some people aging in front of your eyes! and maybe death! Sweet jeebus, we're turning the world upside-down! But I've already said too much...

Chris is a Chicago native and has managed to do theatre all over. His favorite is outdoor theatre. His favorite role was Touchstone with the Kentucky Shakespeare Festival. He has enjoyed working with this group of people very much, and hopes you enjoy the show half as much as Chris does.