Thursday, October 31, 2013

The Jerks Who Are Making This Shit, Pt. 6

Happy Halloween, everybody!

Sat down to determine which of our remaining Jerks would be our special spooky Oct. 31 edition, and it was really a no-brainer. Two words: Ice Spiders.

Here's the deal about Dennis Newport. He's playing the title character in The Gas Heart. Here is the entirety of his role, directly from the script: "(The gas-heated heart walks slowly, a grand circulation.)"

That's it. No lines and one stage direction. Dennis Newport has been at every single rehearsal under the guise of walking slowly, a grand circulation. That's dedication, motherfuckers. And you know what? You won't be able to find anyone who does it better. Dennis and his grand circulation are the lifeblood of The Gas Heart. Watch for him when you come see the show, and don't forget that stage direction.

Plus he has a spooky headshot.


Dennis Newport aka The Gas Heart aka Dennis Newport!

Bio: Italy - Charles kantavit hesidunbin tsherleton eighth generation music CD complex family. Hot weak Omni million Toyota justo, Nickname WordPress him.

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