Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The Jerks Who Are Making This Shit, Pt. 5

There have been a couple of rehearsals during this process in which I've taken off the director hat and jumped into the Dada fray instead. It's mainly for selfish reasons -- this is the sort of shit that looks exactly like my idea of super-warped fun. But it's also good for me to see what this thing looks like from the inside. Giving notes on Dada is next to impossible, so instead of me giving actor-specific notes, the group tends to talk about bigger picture things after every run. It's easy for me to tell them to make good bullshit not bad bullshit or to avoid creating too much sense out of their relationships or to not become too reliant on each other and the space. It's a lot harder the moment I step into the show and instantly become obsessed with the space or throw out some bad bullshit or all the other things I've very explicitly told them not to do. It's a great reminder that this is a hard fucking show to perform. I'm a little concerned that, once it opens, that fact is going to be completely overlooked in the wake of 'what the fuck?'/'what the fuck!' reactions. So let me repeat it one more time loud and clear for everyone:

This is a hard fucking show to perform.

Me jumping in every once and a while keeps that fresh in my mind. Keeps me from underestimating just what this cast is putting themselves through. Keeps me on my toes, even when I'm just watching. All that and it lets me smash a penny with a hammer and then fall asleep precariously balanced on top of a garbage can. But hey, these are the perks!

Last night, I played along for the last time, so I thought I'd continue to hog that glory into today and take the blog spotlight, too. INTRODUCING FOR THE FOURTH TIME, THAT JACKASS:

Bries Vannon aka The Biggest Jerk Of Them All aka Bries Vannon!

Bio: We especially food, love, music, dirty, April 9 browser prepaid blog. Osnova. Najgora but the risk of death? I love to travel!

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