Thursday, May 5, 2011

Faces, Exhibit Y: Words & Music

Boy, this blog sure has been all Eiffel Tower/Peculiar Way all the time, hasn't it? Wasn't there a third piece to Radio Silence? A little something by a guy who goes by the name 'a Samuel Beckett? Well sure, enough, and here's the big reveal -- what you can expect when you show up all eager beaver-like!

Beckett's 'Words & Music' being about, y'know, words and music, and me not being someone who tends to create on that canvas, I plotted and planned and plotted and planned and here's what I came up with. I've been in touch with four Chicago musicians also tied into the theatre scene. I sent them a copy of the script and asked them for their interpretation. The only stipulation I made is that the text had to stay intact. Beyond that, anything and everything was fair game. The four (Elizabeth Bagby, Noah Ginex, Mike Przygoda, and Andrew Yearick) each came back with a recording of their own devising (and with remarkable variety between them!) for inclusion in this project. What I will be doing is introducing and presenting one of the four interpretations at each performance, setting a very different tone for the evening depending on which night you attend, sort of roulette of creativity for the first piece of the show! UPDATE: It's been confirmed that there will be an extra special guest recording played on the closing night performance. Details to be announced soon!

But no worries if you have a particular version you were dying to hear and those performances are already sold out -- we have also made up USB drives containing all four versions that will be available to the audience free of charge at each show. (That's right, you get all four versions AND a flash drive for free! It's because we love you.) So hey, without further ado, here are the four musicians participating, as well as the schedule of the pieces!

Elizabeth Bagby and all of the news that's fit to dish can be found here:

Noah Ginex and most of the news that's fit to dish (plus maybe some that's not) can be found here:

Mike Przygoda is a composer and multi-instrumentalist around Chicago. His biggest accomplishment in life has been getting his two favourite people in the world (Myles & Barry) in the same room at the same time for Words & Music. Thanks to Stephen, Anthony, Brian, and Seth for their unwitting assistance and Chuy and Bries for getting me involved.

Andrew Yearick is happy any time he can combine his acting and musical talents. Such was the case with his last show in which he played George Harrison in Signal Ensemble's "Aftermath". Andrew is the frontman for the art-rock band Athens, and is diligently working on his first full length album with the group, in addition to other musical and writing projects.


And here's yer schedule!

Friday, May 6th: Elizabeth Bagby (artist in attendance!)
Saturday, May 7th: Andrew Yearick (artist in attendance!)
Sunday, May 8th: Mike Przygoda (artist in attendance!)
Monday, May 9th: Noah Ginex
Friday, May 13th: Noah Ginex (artist in attendance!)
Saturday, May 14th: Elizabeth Bagby
Sunday, May 15th: Andrew Yearick
Friday, May 20th: Mike Przygoda
Saturday, May 21st: ZOMG, a special guest TBA!

Hooray!!! Which one are you coming to see?

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